Monday, April 12, 2004

Having monsters can cause problems. Most you deal with when they occur, some you see coming but there is no solution. Today is one of them, You see we have four living with us now. The original monsa hand moved years ago and many have come and gone as we adopt, raise, love, and let go when the time comes. We made a large mistake, sort of, when we found that monsters could read. We learned this when one day my wife told me the c. h. o. c. o. l. a. t. e. was in the kitchen. Seconds later we hear a tearing noise and as we walk into the kitchen we see him eating a giant hershey's kiss. He looks up at us and through chocolate glazed eyes mutters g. o. o. d. . Damn! He can spell.
Well back to the subject on hand. There are two days in the year that monsas hold sacred. The are not the holiday's that you and I know so well. Nope. They are monsa holidays. They are called the "day after's". Yep. The day after Easter and the day after Halloween when the chocolate candies go on sale. Well saving up all the money they can earn and steal they give us a pile of coins and marching orders to go to the nearest market and buy! buy! buy!
So here I am, typing at my keyboard, while in the background the sound of monsas gorging themselves into chocolate nirvana are heard. I prepare for the cleanup, small furry upset stomachs, and a moody wife muttering about the little chocolate rats messing up her carpet again.
To us Easter, to them the "day afters".

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