Friday, April 23, 2004

The little guys eating habits have changed over time. At first he only ate chocolate items. I know it sounds strange but that's what he asked for. I tried other food but nothing worked.
I did make a few errors when first feeding him. Reeses cups. A true no no. You see they have tongues that seems a mix of snake and dog, so they cannot get peanut butter off the roof of their mouth. The first time he almost choked to death. I didn't notice his struggling and the peanut butter build up in his mouth kept getting worse and worse. It seemed that even while struggling he kept eating. Well I helped him clear his mouth and for awhile PB was out, but he loved it.

One day by accident he found a little trick he could do. He takes a PB cup and "fangs it". Then he sucks the peanut butter straight down into his belly through the little fang holes. In reality a real smart idea. The PB shots straight past his mouth and he fills up and is happy. But ick. If you've ever gone into the family room after he has been up all night and see dozens of shriveled reeses cups all over you would be queasy. It's like a little PB vampire is living with us. Plus he slurps when he sucks it out. A truly stomach churning sound to hear through the house at night.

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