Friday, April 16, 2004
Monsa hand was a baby when he started to live with us. Cute, nice, adventurous, and absolutely no natural social skills.
He thought the only way to talk to us was to crawl onto us. Well I was ok with it after I got used to it, but after being thrown across the room with a screech from my wife he learned he should ask her first. That was one of the first house rules we had to lay down. I mean I was not bothered but my wife was less then thrilled to be woken up with something furry crawling over her. I also did not like being torn from sleep with a screaming wife. It makes it hard to fall back to sleep.
He also had to learn space. Places you did not intrude upon. Example would be the shower incident, or maybe phrased the shower horror. My wife had just walked past me with a very short robe on and went into the basement shower. I could hear the water running and all seemed calm in the world. Yes. I know. That is normally is when the dam gives way, and boy did it ever.
I first heard the standard "the monsa is up to something and has upset the wife" screech, followed by silence. The silence is not normal by any means. About a minute later I learned to my horror why there was the silence. Into the room walked a shaky, wet, shaved monsa hand. "Oh! My! God! What happened?" "I.......I.......I.....I just wanted to watch her shower and she yelled at me and was mean." He whimpered. "Did she do that?" Because although he had hair left most was shaved off and he looked horribly naked, and cold. "Yes! She is so mean, she grabbed her electric razor and did this.........Shave her!!!"
Well as I have explained, he had been warned and I could not feel to bad for him. I took him to the upstairs bedroom and went to my dresser drawer. My father in law had visited sometime before monsa hand had moved in and left some of his rogaine cream. FIL was going bald and fighting a loosing battle.
Well I applied some and told him that may help, but do not expect any results for ... FWWOOOP!!!
Standing in front of me was now a fully furry monsa hand. It was like a little hair bomb went off in him when I applied the rogaine. Now this was an unexpected result, at least speed wise.
So that day we each learned something. He would never walk into the shower to watch, and I learned the next time he was dumb and my wife shaved him I could rogaine his hair fully back, after a needed time of public suffering of course.
He thought the only way to talk to us was to crawl onto us. Well I was ok with it after I got used to it, but after being thrown across the room with a screech from my wife he learned he should ask her first. That was one of the first house rules we had to lay down. I mean I was not bothered but my wife was less then thrilled to be woken up with something furry crawling over her. I also did not like being torn from sleep with a screaming wife. It makes it hard to fall back to sleep.
He also had to learn space. Places you did not intrude upon. Example would be the shower incident, or maybe phrased the shower horror. My wife had just walked past me with a very short robe on and went into the basement shower. I could hear the water running and all seemed calm in the world. Yes. I know. That is normally is when the dam gives way, and boy did it ever.
I first heard the standard "the monsa is up to something and has upset the wife" screech, followed by silence. The silence is not normal by any means. About a minute later I learned to my horror why there was the silence. Into the room walked a shaky, wet, shaved monsa hand. "Oh! My! God! What happened?" "I.......I.......I.....I just wanted to watch her shower and she yelled at me and was mean." He whimpered. "Did she do that?" Because although he had hair left most was shaved off and he looked horribly naked, and cold. "Yes! She is so mean, she grabbed her electric razor and did this.........Shave her!!!"
Well as I have explained, he had been warned and I could not feel to bad for him. I took him to the upstairs bedroom and went to my dresser drawer. My father in law had visited sometime before monsa hand had moved in and left some of his rogaine cream. FIL was going bald and fighting a loosing battle.
Well I applied some and told him that may help, but do not expect any results for ... FWWOOOP!!!
Standing in front of me was now a fully furry monsa hand. It was like a little hair bomb went off in him when I applied the rogaine. Now this was an unexpected result, at least speed wise.
So that day we each learned something. He would never walk into the shower to watch, and I learned the next time he was dumb and my wife shaved him I could rogaine his hair fully back, after a needed time of public suffering of course.