Friday, June 04, 2004

While living with a monsa hand can be a bother, the same can be said for anyone with children. The difference is that children do not often get stuck in the vent.
I had just finished breakfast and was wondering if I should put off doing the dishes till tonight, or perhaps tomorrow. Procrastination is my middle name. I had just finished moving the dishes to the sink when I heard the first wail.

"Big one. Help!" I instantly knew who it was so I went downstairs where I could hear the voice.
When I got downstairs the cries for help were now coming from above me.
"This is not a funny joke Monsa hand!" I bellowed.
"No joke. Help! I'm stuck in the vent"
That explained it. The vent piping was below the floor and above my head.
So with an order to start tapping I began the hunt.
After I had removed four vent covers and two pipe lengths I found him.

He really had gotten himself tangled up. While going from one pipe to another he slipped and his leg got jammed between two connections keeping him well pinned. I could tell he was hurting and needing TLC so he got a lot of it.

Now normally when he gets into things he should not get into I would punish him by no TV or something but this time I let it slide.
While he is fearless against meercats, and squirrels are yard thieves to him, this time he really scared himself.
It would have been cruel to punish him again.

We found that he liked to use the vents, because when he was in them he did not feel so small like when in the big human world. He had found his own monsa hand road way.
So of course with a promise that he would be more careful in the future I let him keep using his own little roadway.

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