Sunday, March 27, 2005

Just looking at them sitting in front of me can make anyone happy. On the table sat two large Easter baskets full of the best sugary goodness that Hershey's and the multitude of other candy makers can deliver nestled in a pile of artificial green grass. They were wrapped in color cellophane and tied with a bow. My wife always enjoyed Easter and it is a big fun day for us.

Next to the baskets were two small furry mounds. My two small monsters, and what were they doing? They were staring at the baskets with a ferel look that implied that if I looked away for one second trouble would occur. The fact that they were drooling was a sure sign of a desperate chocolate starved monster. The fact that I had just gave them a whole candy bar each seconds ago had no bearing. If there is chocolate available, then they are starving.

"Guys? You don't have plans to eat any of my candy now do you?"
They both looked up at me and with angelic faces spoke words that had no truth in them. "No! We have no plans to touch them..mutter mutter mutter"
Ah! The famous "mutter". Monsa hand thought that if he muttered the words real low that they became law and he was covered. Trouble is I did not allow him to mutter.
"I...I...I said we had no plans to touch them, but we may EAT them" He gave me a big smile and they both turned back to resume their vigil on the chocolate offerings in front of them.

Now I knew that my basket had no chance of survival if left out so with a flourish I picked the baskets up and walked to the fridge. The fridge with a monster proof lock on it. In the baskets went and with a click I locked them away.
"UGLY!!" Well with that thrown at me they hopped off the table and scurried into the other room. Most likely to try for the millionth time to get into the fridge. The place where our chocolate, fudge, and cocoa resides. He will never get past the lock, but he will also never, never, stop trying.

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