Friday, March 11, 2005

"Now sit there and do not say one word."
My dear wife was not just talking to me, but to all three of us. Monsa hand, Theo and I were quietly sitting there as she walked towards the fridge.
"Now look guys. I would not eat worms and you know better to believe half the stuff "biggy" tells you. Right?
They simply nodded and kept quiet.

She reached into the fridge and brought out a bag of baby carrots. The type she likes to prepare in the vegetable steamer. She also withdrew a whole carrot. Green stem and all.
"Now this is a carrot. You have seen bugs bunny eat them all the time. Right?"
They silently nodded.
"Now this is simply a bag of small baby carrots. They are not worms. You know what that means?"
They slowly nodded but I could tell they were not totally convinced. It was at this moment that I knew I would be on the couch that night.

I leaned down and in a whisper that even my dear wife could hear said the words that got me in the dog house "It means that she stole those baby carrots from their sad mommies. Then she eats them"
Theo's one eye got real large and she made a fast look towards my wife
"Baby eater?!?! Arggghhhh" and she took off like a rocket towards the door.
Monsa hand simply glared at me and started after her yelling "rule number
three, rule number three"

I also took off for the door, but I was a little to slow. The bag of carrots look small but when hitting the back of your own head it can hurt.
Again my job here was done.

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